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Polyet Loshad

Our online store is

Now Open!

There are only a few FREE to download products at the present time, but more are on the way.
Please enjoy, browsing our site!
Other Works

Works by our Associated Authors and Artists

Currently available or soon to be available as podcasts or books:


The Typewriter

This novel is no longer available as a podcast series of weekly episodes. It is a supernatural thriller about a typewriter that writes on its own in the middle of the night.  What would an old WWII era typewriter have to say? Why would it be writing about Aaron Deville?  Who is Andy?  

The book will be available as a download from this website.  It is not one of the several free to the public works available from Polyet Loshad Publishing.

Both digital PDF and audio file versions will be available FOR PURCHASE on this site.

De-Paganizing the Gospels.

Now available on all of our partner

distribution platforms.  This program is available as both an audio only podcast or a video podcast.  Get to know the truth about how the Holy Bible is a fraudulent text created by pagans and heretics after they murdered Jesus Christ.  Christianity is a false religion based on pagan ideology, but the message of Jesus Christ can be revealed by de-paganizing the text of the New Testament.

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Antediluvian Revelations:
A Poetic Retelling of the Book of Enoch, The Prophet

Currently available as a podcast on all major audio platforms, this show is produced by an associated author, Michael Inacloud.  The podcasted  poetry reading is based upon a 200 year old, English translation of an ancient Ethiopic text attributed to Enoch, an early progenitor of the Semitic race who lived long before Noah or Moses.  Enoch's complete story is not in the Jewish Torah, the Qur'an, or the Catholic Holy Bible because his story contradicts the texts these other religions want people to believe is the true word of God.  The Eternal Truth of Almighty God is in The Book of Enoch.  All three seasons of the podcast are currently available for free.  Follow the message of The Eternal Truth today and be prepared for the Apocalypse.  The PDF of this book is available for free on this site.

The Testimony for Yeshua

Join Michael and Mary Haley as they present their testimony for Jesus Christ.  Yeshua was an innocent man murdered by pagan Romans and heretic Jews.  This video/audio program is free on YouTube and all of our other partner platforms.

Polyet Loshad Publishing on YouTube

Antediluvian Revelations: A Poetic Retelling of the Book of Enoch, The Prophet.  The presentation of this material is now available as both audio and video podcast episodes.

Playlist links

New Video Episodes
on YouTube!

America Is Lost! Part One: The Quest of Psychelapse,  A mock epic poetry podcast series.


America Is Lost! Part Two:  Raymond's Revenge, A mock epic poetry podcast series.

Devotional Prayers and Modern Prophecies, Volume I is now available as a free download in our online store.

Works In Progress

Artists and Venues

The Gates Biblical Arts Museum

The Gates Biblical Arts Museum is a privately owned and operated art gallery featuring 50 Years of Art by Mary L. Haley.  The Gallery is located in Stillwater, Oklahoma.  Currently, the artist plans to hold a grand opening in spring 2024.  The exact dates will be announced at a later time, but visitors may still view, browse, and purchase artworks either online or at the gallery.  Gallery operating hours are limited, but serious visitors may contact the artist to schedule a viewing appointment.

Featured Artist

The Painter

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The Painter is the story of Mary Haley's life and how she became a painter.  While many might say that she is an artist, Mary prefers to think of herself as a painter.  The digital presentation is available as an audio podcast on all of Polyet Loshad Publishing's supporting audio platforms (Spotify, Apple podcasts, Listen Notes, iHeart Radio, etc), and also on our YouTube channel with video presentation of more paintings from her gallery in Stillwater, Oklahoma.  Be sure to listen to or view this amazing story of perseverance and faith. 
Watch the video on YouTube!

About Us

About Us
Polyet Loshad Publishing is an exclusive publishing agent serving a select group of associated authors and artists.  While our ultimate goal as a non-profit organization is to serve all of humanity with faith, hope, and love, we only offer our publishing and publicity services to a limited group of clients who have truthfully accepted the Holy Spirit and God's message of Eternal Truth.  Polyet Loshad Publishing's purpose is to leverage modern communications technology in arts, entertainment, and information for the benefit of a future-ready audience to disseminate the message of God's Eternal Truth to the world.    

By providing public access to digitally composed works of literature in podcast and video formats available through the internet, our validated clients and members can reach out to an audience beyond printed pages that limit the delivery of their messages to others.
Leveraging modern communications technology makes it possible for a wide audience to passively listen to audio recordings of pre-recorded literary works and view artistic works without the necessity of purchasing a printed book and taking the time to read it or go to an art gallery to view the art in person.  By making these products available to the public on a variety of digital media platforms, Polyet Loshad Publishing makes the messages of these artists and authors available to an audience that has become ready for the future with modern communications technology at their fingertips in the form of laptops, tablets, and cell phones connected to the internet.  Printed books are outdated.  It is time to be future-ready.

                 Please, visit our YouTube channel:
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