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The Eternal Truth

  • God is extraterrestrial and eternal.

  • God loves mankind and wants humanity’s love in return.

  • God wants all of humanity to love one another.

  • Jesus Christ was not God nor the son of God.

  • Jesus Christ was the son of a man, not born of a virgin impregnated by God's Holy Spirit because that concept is pagan mythology.

  • Jesus Christ was the Messiah, the Chosen One, who delivered

the message of repentance, forgiveness, and the hope of everlasting life for the true believers of God’s Eternal Truth.

  • God is only one entity whose true form is the Holy Spirit.

What is this about?

      To answer this question, it becomes necessary to first tell what the Eternal Truth message is not about.  The Eternal Truth is not antichrist. The message does not oppose Jesus Christ, his true message, or Almighty God.  The Eternal Truth does not deny faith in the message of Jesus Christ, but this message clearly states that the 2,000 year old lie of Catholicism has come to its end. Those pagan Romans and heretic Jews who murdered the Messiah attempted to cover up their crime by editorializing scurrilous lies into the testimonies about the life of Jesus Christ.  The Catholic Holy Bible is a fraud.  The Eternal Truth is not about invoking violence, hatred, or animosity toward any persons anywhere, but it does clearly direct an opposition toward the paganized theologies of Christianity based on Catholicism that have fraudulently misled humanity to be violent, hateful, and blasphemous of the one true God of all the universe.  There is only one God who is not a holy trinity of three persons as the pagan heretics claim in their blasphemous theology they call Catholicism.  The Eternal Truth is not Islamic, Jewish, or Christian, but it admonishes followers of all three of these religions to abandon the pagan ideologies that they claim to be the truth.  Muslims deny the Holy Spirit because they still cling to ancient, pagan beliefs based on limited intellectual development. Jews deny that Jesus was the Messiah because they refuse to repent of their involvement in the crime of murdering a true prophet of Almighty God.  Christians blaspheme God by practicing pagan rituals of symbolically consuming human flesh and blood, idolatry of wealth and power, and worshipping the antichrist whom they refer to as the pope.  All three of these religions continue to teach the lies of a required sacrifice for absolution of sin when the message of Jesus clearly teaches that no such sacrifice is necessary.  Jesus Christ was not a sacrifice for the forgiveness of sin.  He was murdered on a cross, an instrument of pain and torture that is not a symbol of salvation.  The message of Jesus was to repent of sin and accept God as the Holy Spirit.

     The Eternal Truth message is an intervention.  It is the corrective measure for all of God's children so that they might finally know and accept that God is the Holy Spirit.  Repent of pagan idolatry and ask God for forgiveness in the hope of having everlasting life in God, the father, who is the Holy Spirit.  All of humanity must have humility and ask, in the name of Jesus, for God's mercy.  Many will suffer the worst of God's judgment because they will have too much pride in the pagan works of their hands to admit their fault and error.  These are the last days of humanity on Earth because mankind has not evolved to be a peaceful and God-loving species.  God's judgment will be for the whole of humanity, and every individual will receive a portion of it.  Accept the Eternal Truth and know that God is the Holy Spirit.  Reject the lies of the pagan idolaters and their false religions:  Catholicism, Islamism, Judaism.

The Little Book

(December 2021)


Note:  Read each poem then read the scriptural passage.



The Five Wars of the First Woe


Early in the twentieth century, mankind offended God,

and the time had come for a messenger to announce

an era of great sorrow, destruction, and vengeance.

The first war spilled blood, hurled fire in a hail storm,

and burned the Earth to ashes until not even a worm

would crawl within the ground or in a deep trench.

It left 20 million men dead and caused teeth to clench.

Angered by the losses and that the end was not a win,

the most hateful and evil of men aspired to do it all again.

The second was worse than the first spreading far and wide.

Across the land, in the skies, and on the waters men died.

When man released a power like starlight that fell to earth,

the second war ended and to a third was given birth.

The fourth war was fought in darkness and cold,

but it never ended and its time is growing old.

The great eagle controlled the world’s sky

threatening all who waged war would die,

but the bald bird gave birth to new weapons

dropping more stars from its mighty talons.

The people of the Earth trembled with fear

believing that the death of all was very near.

The high perched avian believing in its might

launched the fifth war with a new kind of flight.

Low in swarms like locusts with wings whirling

overhead the sound of thunder and wind whistling,

their iron bodies had faces, eyes, and scorpion tails

inflicting wounds upon thousands yearning for death.

The slaughter only ended with the need to catch a breath.

Believing the threat was no more,

the great bird ended that war.

The first woe was over.


Revelation Chapter 8, verses 6-13 and Chapter 9, verses 1-6



The Sixth War Before the Second Woe


In its pride and throughout all its great stride,

over all of the world the eagle would glide,

and proclaim itself to be greatest of all.

But this hubris would only lead to its fall.

As the sixth messenger sounded a trumpet,

a new evil launched horror and torment.

The eagle had hatched a flock of its own

waging a war like had never been known.

The falcon and vulture watched with interest

knowing the eagle would soon need some rest.

Then they would strike and take what they wanted

after circling above the prey that they had hunted.

Exhausted and grieving for all of its losses

the war-tired bird let the others be bosses.

This was the start of the second woe

stated here for all to know.


Revelation Chapter 9 verses 7-12



Announcement of The Second Woe Before the Seventh War


The great announcement of the sixth messenger prophet

filled the sky as if God’s angel had blown a great trumpet.

God’s voice was like thunder amplified by a gigantic speaker,

declaring His judgement on mankind from His golden altar.

He commanded the release of three plagues and great fear

spreading through the skies from a central point outward

in all directions of Earth.  A multitude of people, a third

of mankind, will die in this day, month, and year.

Millions of people transported the plagues to others,

spreading from their mouths like a smoke that smothers,

infecting the lungs and chest like wearing heavy armor.

They all became infected breathing the fire, smoke, and sulfur.

A great multitude will die from the harm of these three stages.

The colors dark blue, red, and yellow are that of these phages.

Mankind spreads the plagues throughout all of the planet!

They claimed that there was no God or His judgment.

From their mouths they swore that He was not real,

declaring that man’s science was more able to heal.

God’s judgement upon mankind for its iniquities

brings death and suffering caused by disease,

and those who survive will refuse to repent.

Without knowing God, mankind will lament

because they only pray to false gods and idols

who cannot walk or talk, being deaf as walls.

They will continue to murder, rape, and steal.

They lust for wealth because they think it real.

There is one small light shining for all to see it,

repentance and acceptance of the Holy Spirit.


Revelation Chapter 9, verses 13-21



The Seven Wars and the Little Book


What in the past God commanded hidden

would now be known just as it is written.

There is no more time to waste,

it must be done with haste!

Reveal this mystery of God and expose the lies.

It must become known before another man dies.

Far across the sea and standing in a new land,

he holds the truth in his outstretched hand.

Take it and consume it, but know this

its sweet flavor will not bring bliss.

All know in the mouth that these words are right.

Digesting the truth will cause the stomach to fight.

How could it be

that all did not see

the lie that misled

so many now dead?

God is eternal.  He loves us and wants us to love each other.

 He wants to forgive us because Mary was a human’s mother.

God is only one and is the Holy Spirit.

Jesus said this.  Did nobody hear it?


Revelation Chapter 10, verses 1-10



The Seventh War During The Second Woe


It came upon mankind during the second plague

that the Falcon and the Vulture a war would wage.

Two witnesses to the truth of God and His judgement

proclaimed it all and hatred these words did foment.

The heathens and the pagans trampled the holy land.

They made it a place where no man could again stand.

Over the horizon, across the Euphrates, and more,

the power of starlight was sent unlike before.

The words within this prophecy

written during 1,260 days

were decried as a mindless fallacy,

but it was very true in so many ways.

The heathens and pagans were horrified at what it all meant

because it told of how they had caused mankind’s torment.

Golden censers, goblets, angels, and all human beings

are vessels of the Holy Spirit; that is what it means.


Revelation Chapter 11, verses 1-6



The Witnesses of the Eternal Truth


The two witnesses may be found together and with love.

They were brought together across the globe by God above.

 In them there is hope for the olive branch of peace and light

from the knowledge of the truth that they know is right.

By their faith they will live when all others will die.

They made the right choice not to believe the lie.

They wield the power of God and His might,

and He protects them from all harm.

They will drink from His cup

when the Earth has dried up.

They will dine at His table

when no other is able.

They will spread the word of the Eternal Truth across the Earth

knowing that they may die proclaiming Christ’s true birth,

that Joseph was his father, and all are children of God.

Jesus delivered God’s true message in pain,

He died and arose from the dead

where he had been lain.

He walked again among men

to prove God’s forgiveness of sin.


Revelation Chapter 11, verses 7-11



Death and Resurrection Before the Third Woe


Although the beast who was foretold took measures to kill

the two witnesses who dared to defy his will,

they never had any fear.

God was always near.

For three and a half days, the bodies laid

for others to see and proclaim they had made

a mistake to believe in God instead of science.

All of this was written by one with great prescience.

God entered their bodies once again and they stood on their feet.

The sight of it all terrified many who saw them walk in the street.

In a blinding moment of great light and thunder,

a miraculous sight that made mankind wonder,

the two resurrected ascended in clouds.

The event witnessed by large crowds.

The Earth trembled all over from within its very core.

The quake killed thousands and injured many more.

Because of prayer, the second woeful plague ended,

but God is still offended.

The third woe will come very soon.


Revelation Chapter 11, verses 11-14



Cast Out of Heaven


In a time before now but not so long ago,

the story of a child born into the House of David

became known to the world because God made it so.

A star in the heavens shone brightly illuminating the way.

The woman, her husband, and others found a manger to stay.

The scorn of God’s creation traveled to that place.

He wanted to destroy the human race.

He watched and he waited.

They had a love he hated.

A son was born,

and Satan forlorn.

A great battle ensued.

Man’s hope was renewed.

Michael led God’s angels

To a major victory.

The child became a man and in faith grew.

Isaiah had foretold of him and they all knew.

Satan fell to Earth bound in a prison of his own making.

He laughed at God seeing that the Earth was right for the taking.


Revelation Chapter 12, verses 1-12



Satan Takes His Revenge


When he realized his mistake

and the child was not a fake,

Satan plotted to ruin mankind,

planting a lie nobody would find.

Hidden in plain sight for all to read it,

the worst lie ever told was a scurrilous edit.

The heathens wanted to believe it was true,

and that it was something only God could do.

It made even more sense to those pagans of old

having more than one god was better than gold.

The Jew they had killed had become a god.

It made more sense, and Caesar gave it a nod.

Although Satan was cast out and no longer welcome,

this lie led to others that grew into a great kingdom.

He made them to worship idols and pay him tribute,

but he could not erase the message

hidden in an unseen passage.

He overlooked and ignored

whom Jesus called Lord.


Revelation Chapter 12, versus 13-17



Rise of the First Beast


The wealthiest of men came to power from a sea of red.

With the prowess of a leopard and the strength of a bear,

he roared like a lion and made everyone have fear.

Other nations and his enemies wanted him dead.

He spoke with great pride in his accomplishments

proclaiming his greatness amid compliments.

The plague wounded him, but he was healed.

His lasciviousness will soon be revealed.

He reigned over all with an iron rod

secretly cursing and blaspheming God.

Empowered by the evil of idolatry and greed,

his minions were imprisoned only to be freed.

No other nation dared to oppose him and his power

as long as he was protected within his ivory tower.

He found himself deposed in a flurry of theft and lies.

He had a plan to make sure he lives and everyone else dies.


Revelation Chapter 13, verses 1-10



Rise of the Second Beast


During the turmoil of the second woe,

an earthly old goat spoke words not his own.

He had sold his soul and a great debt he did owe.

He gambled great wealth on chance and it was blown.

Everyone knew his time had come and his days would end.

He claimed miraculous wonders, but they were all just pretend.

The dark queen laughing took over and commanded the powers

the second beast had left her while he pushed up flowers.

She commanded the Nation to commit to his plan.

If she cannot do it, then nobody can.

All must have his mark and no exceptions allowed.

Pictures of their foreheads on a card held in the hand.

 All must have it to buy or sell anywhere in the land,

nor could they mask themselves in the crowd.

Everyone listened and followed in shame.

Everyone knows the number of his name.


Revelation Chapter 13, verses 11-18



The Third Woe


The Eternal Truth has become known during the second woe.

The truth proclaimed loudly and clearly for the world to know.

Repent now!  Fall to your knees.  Worship the one true God!

Ask His forgiveness that His judgement He will stay.

None had been told of Caesar’s nod.

Nobody listened.  They turned away.

Three gods are always better than one,

but that is not shown in the passion play.

It was too late and the damage was done.

The three plagues of death readied their sickles

reaping mankind until all of the Earth trickles

blood from its lands flowing into the sea.

As it is written, so will it be.

This is the last chance for all to know the Eternal Truth.

These are the only truths that matter for mankind’s salvation.

God is Eternal.  He loves us.  He commands us to love each other.

Jesus delivered the message and died so God could forgive us, and

God wants us to know Him in His true form, The Holy Spirit.

Forget the past. There is still now and the future.


Revelation Chapter 14, verses 6-20

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